Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Boys of Fall!!!

It has been 6 weeks since my last post and before I know it Christmas will have come and gone!!!
... school is SO overrated and is totally putting a damper on my blogging! 

So much has happened in Deacon's little life in the last 6 weeks and since I am constantly getting texts and e-mails requesting the latest pics of my sweet boy I am doing a quick blog of the last 6 weeks in pictures!!!

Deacon has loved cheering on his favorite Utes!!  (Thanks Grandpa Stevie)

He couldn't wait to go to his first game... Waiting patiently for our ride!!
Look at those cutie socks with the Drum & Feather covering his little feet!!!

Utah vs. Pitt
Deacon was having so much fun watching the game he could hardly look away...even for a quick picture!!  He was SO good and actually slept through most of the game...even with all the cheering! I had forgotten how loud the stadium gets but he did just fine!!
That first game against Pitt was so emotionally exhausting that using the pacifier alone wouldn't cut it for our boy... he had to make room for his thumb in his mouth too!!!

Utah vs. UNLV

Utah vs. SJSU
Deacon has cheered on his Utes both at Rice Eccles (again, thanks to Grandpa Stevie) and on TV... hopefully we will get to cheer them all the way to a BCS Bowl Game again!!!
Go Utes!!

Deacon is getting so strong and tries to keep his body from laying back... I have resorted to using the straps that came with his swing so he doesn't fall out!  But he sure loves is stuffed dog friend Truffles from his Aunt Melissa!! Such a big boy these days!!!

Deacon with his cousin James Ross
(well, first cousin once removed if you really want to get technical but to us, he is cousin James!!!)

Deacon loves watching Sunday afternoon football games with Grandpa!
He is so serious!!

We could SO be German!!
Up at Oktoberfest at Snowbird!

Deacon makes a pretty cute German man too!!!

Deacon's first time at Snowbird... Daddy can't wait to have a little Ski buddy!!!

Daddy had to have another go at the naked rugby pics... This time Deacon seems to actually be enjoying it!!  Look at those rolly-polly arms!!  Ohh, I love this boy!!
Already practicing his form touching the ball down in the Try zone!!!

For now though, he will just have to settle for watching his Dad play!
Utah Rugby Alumni Game 2010!

Found this hat at Janie & Jack... does he not look like Great Grandpa Elden Fisher??!!
 So Handsome!!!

 Mowing the lawn with Dad!
(it wasn't until after they edged that we thought it would be smart to put sunglasses on him to protect his eyes!!!  Oops.. we are still figuring out this whole parenting thing!! ...Next time!!!

Deacon is checking out his cousin Chloe & Mia's new wheels!! 
He has got to look out for these lovely ladies and make sure their new ride is perfect!!

BIG smiles for his Aunt Melissa!!

My so sleepy boys!

Deacon's "lead up to a BIG sneeze" face!!!
SO Hilarious!!

Looking so serious in his seersucker suit!!
Look at his big cheeks... I just love to pinch them!!...And his necks too!!!
Deacon's first haircut!  Well, just a trim in the back so his mullet wasn't quite so "sweet" for our family pictures (coming soon!!)

And my favorite picture of the last 6 weeks is.....

"I'm SO glad when Daddy comes home!!!"
This was Deacon's first time seeing his Dad in 4 days!  He had really missed him!!
(mom's face was beaming just as much to see her sweet husband home from his business trip!!!)

Aren't my boys darling???!!!!