Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Bowlin Fox Football Style

We once again started our Thanksgiving off right by giving thanks for the wonderful game of "Football!" Every year we hold the annual "Turkey Bowl" which mind you is no rag tag back yard event, thanks to Steve McDermott we have real flag belts and 3 sets of jerseys. I'm convinced that had Fox Football known about the game they would have covered it. Maybe some of us could have even got NFL contracts out of it, but we chose to keep the press out of this event and enjoy the guy bonding time. This year we had around 24 guys which made it perfect for 3 teams of 8. The first team to score stayed on the field which was nice because everyone got winded since most of us are hasbeens. The little black #4 in front is only one year old and looks to have a promising future in the NFL! We're counting on you Barratt!

Every so often during the game when guys got a burst of energy the game turned into "flackle rugby" since most of the guys playing were former rugby players for the U. All in all it was a fun day and made everyone appreciate football that much more!
A huge thanks to our loyal fans Rosie and Julie! Thanks for the fun game guys and I look forward to next year!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A 12-0 Utah Man Am I!!!!!

I know the game happened almost a week ago but I had to post about how proud we are of our UTES 12-0 and BCS bound! We went to the game and wanted to share some pictures of the classic fans and shots from after the game! GO UTES!!!!

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is it Twilight Yet??

I can't wait for 14 Hours and 5 minutes from now....
(why I am awake and blogging at 8:00 am I have no idea!!!)

According to the Official Twilight Website that is how long I have to wait until Twilight!!!

I have been gearing up for it all week by listening to the soundtrack and watching
the trailers over and over... I am not excited or anything!
I know I may sound crazy but I am not the only one with this insane obsession...some cute ladies in my ward decided we should go to the midnight showing tonight so there are 7 of us going...leaving husbands and kids home! This girls' night will be a total blast!!!

Is it Twilight Yet?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Defying Gravity!

I thought I would let you all know the latest with Steve-o McDermott...

We got the BEST NEWS from Stevie's doctors in California...
Since his radiation treatment with the proton beam ended in August his tumor has had "slight" growth which is HUGE since he was going in for surgery every 6 months to de-bulk the tumor!! - He doesn't have to go to California until February because he is doing so well! He is still on the oxygen because of the damage the radiation did to his lungs but the amazing news about that is that the damage is COMPLETELY reversible!! YEAH!! We are all on Cloud 9!! Steve is really defying this thing they call cancer!!! He will be able to ski, scuba dive and play tennis with us in no time!!!

We love you Stevie!!

Thanks so much to all my amazing family and especially cute Lucy and Gavin for all your prayers on Steve's behalf! We aren't out of the woods yet but I know those prayers have been heard and answered!!!

P.S. Can you believe these are the only pictures we have of us with Steve?? We really need to step up our picture taking!!